Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Homoeopathy-this truly tongue-twisting term, stemming from the greek, stands for a self-contained system of therpay which gently supports the natural, regenerative healing endeavours of the organism.

Its brillant founder, the german physician and natural scientific Samuel Hahnemann, reduced its mode of action as long as 200 years ago to a simple common denominator: "Similia Similibus curentur" or, in plain English, "Likes cures like". This is thelaw derived by Samuel Hahemann from his research discoveries. In modern terms, the whole thing may be described as a sort of stimulation therpay. Bacause of the similarity between each disease and the selected drug, a specific stimulus is induced when the latter is administered. Agents which produce a particula range of symptoms in the healthy aid the sick who exhibit a similar range of symptoms

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