Monday, July 28, 2008

Stopping Hair Fall(Alopecia Arreta)by Homeopathy

Alopecia areata (loss of hair in patches) is a condition affecting humans, in which hair is lost from areas of the body, usually from the scalp। Because it causes bald spots on the scalp, especially in the first stages, it is sometimes called spot baldness। In 1%–2% of cases, the condition can spread to the entire scalp (Alopecia totalis) or to the entire epidermis (Alopecia universalis)।CAUSES :Alopecia areata is not contagious।It occurs more frequently in people who have affected family members, suggesting that heredity may be a factor।In addition, it is slightly more likely to occur in people who have relatives with autoimmune diseases।The condition is thought to be an autoimmune disorder in which the body attacks its own hair follicles and suppresses or stops hair growth। There is evidence that T cell lymphocytes cluster around these follicles, causing inflammation and subsequent hair loss। An unknown environmental trigger such as emotional stress or a pathogen is thought to combine with hereditary factors to cause the condition।

Diagnosis :First symptoms are small, soft, bald patches which can take just about any shape but are most usually round. It most often affects the scalp and beard but may occur on any hair-bearing part of the body.There may be different skin areas with hair loss and regrowth in the same body at the same time. It may also go into remission for a time, or permanently. The hair tends to fall out over a short period of time, with the loss commonly occurring more on one side of the scalp than the other.Homeopathic Treatment with homeopathic treatment we can not only cure the patches of alopecia but can prevent recurrence of the problem too.

Monday, July 21, 2008

What is Cervical Spondylosis?Its symptoms & How best to treat with Homeopathy

Cervical Spondylosis

With the increase in number of professionals who sit for hours together doing desk work or sitting for hours in front of the computer and call center jobs which requires continuous sitting in one posture the number of people suffering with cervical spondylosis is on the rise .Cervical spondylosis is a 'wear and tear' of the vertebrae and discs in the neck. It is a common cause of neck pain

The most common symptoms with which these patients approach the doctor are

Pain and stiffness in the neck.
The pain and stiffness could be confined to the neck alone
There could be radiation of the pain from the neck to the right hand
There could be radiation of the pain from the neck to the left hand
There could be radiation of the pain from the neck to the back of the head
There could be giddiness associated with pain and stiffness
There could be only pain in the upper arm
There could be numbness in the tips of the fingers
These above symptoms could all suggest that you could be suffering from a condition known as cervical spondylosis

What is the cervical spine?

The cervical (neck) spine is made up of small circular bones (vertebrae) stacked on top of each other. Between each vertebrae is an intervertebral disc which acts like a shock absorber and allows flexibility of the spine. Muscles and ligaments run between, and are attached to, the vertebrae. Nerves from the spinal cord pass between the vertebrae going to the shoulder, neck, arm, and upper chest.

What is cervical spondylosis?

To an extent, we all develop a degree of degeneration in the vertebrae and discs as we become older. However, cervical spondylosis is a term used if the degree of degeneration is more severe, and causes more symptoms, than is expected for a given age.

As the 'discs' degenerate, over many years they become thinner. Sometimes the adjacent vertebrae develop small, rough areas of bone on their edges. The nearby muscles, ligaments, and nerves may become irritated by these degenerative changes which can cause troublesome symptoms.

What are the symptoms of cervical spondylosis?

Pain in the neck. This may spread to the base of the skull and shoulders. Movement of the neck may make the pain worse. The pain sometimes spreads down an arm to a hand or fingers. This is caused by irritation of a nerve which goes to the arm from the spinal cord in the neck..
Some develop neck stiffness, particularly after a night's rest.
Headaches from time to time. They often start at the back of the head just above the neck and travel over the top to the forehead.
Some numbness or pins and needles may occur in part of the arm or hand. It is best to tell a doctor if these symptoms occur as they may indicate a problem with a 'trapped nerve' in the neck.


Exercise your neck and keep active
Aim to keep your neck moving as normally as possible. As far as possible, continue with normal activities. In the past, some people have worn a neck collar for long periods when a flare-up of neck pain developed. It is now known that if you wear a collar for long periods it may cause the neck to 'stiffen up'. So, try to keep your neck as active as possible.
Professionals who spend hours doing desk work or in front off the computers should take small breaks in between and try and do simple neck exercises

Some of those neck pains and stiffness which does not improve inspite of exercise and medication are most certainly due to stress. When a person is in constant stress the muscles in the neck goes into spasm and causes pain and stiffness in the neck so it is very important for the doctor to identify the cause and treat it accordingly

The most commonly used medicines used for the treatment of cervical spondylosis are..
Rhus Tox ..Pain and stiffness in the nape of the neck,pain between the shoulders. Kalmia..pain from the neck down the arms,pain extending to the shoulder blades. Conium..cervical spondylosis with giddiness.
Other commonly used medicines are causticum,calcarea phos,calcarea flour,nux,hypericum,

Note .Although I am giving the most commonly used medicines used for a particular complaint in my column it is advised that you consult a qualified homeopathic doctor nearby to you and take his advise about the treatment of the problem.

Friday, July 18, 2008


A migraine is a common type of headache that may occur with symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, or sensitivity to light. In many people, a throbbing pain is felt only on one side of the head.
Some people who get migraines have warning symptoms, called an aura, before the actual headache begins. An aura is a group of symptoms, usually vision disturbances, that serve as a warning sign that a bad headache is coming. Most people, however, do not have such warning signs.

Alternative Names
Headache - migraine

Causes, incidence, and risk factors

A lot of people get migraines -- about 11 out of 100. The headaches tend to start between the ages of 10 and 46 and may run in families. Migraines occur more often in women than men. Pregnancy may reduce the number of migraines attacks. At least 60 percent of women with a history of migraines have fewer such headaches during the last two trimesters of pregnancy.
Until the 1980s, scientists believed that migraines were due to changes in blood vessels within the brain. Today, most believe the attack actually begins in the brain itself, and involves various nerve pathways and chemicals in the brain.
A migraine attack can be triggered by stress, food, environmental changes, or some other factor. However, the exact chain of events remains unclear.

Migraine attacks may be triggered by:

Allergic reactions
Bright lights, loud noises, and certain odors or perfumes
Physical or emotional stress
Changes in sleep patterns
Smoking or exposure to smoke
Skipping meals
Menstrual cycle fluctuations, birth control pills
Tension headaches
Foods containing tyramine (red wine, aged cheese, smoked fish, chicken livers, figs, and some beans), monosodium glutamate (MSG), or nitrates (like bacon, hot dogs, and salami)
Other foods such as chocolate, nuts, peanut butter, avocado, banana, citrus, onions, dairy products, and fermented or pickled foods
Migraine headaches, which can be dull or severe, usually:
Feel throbbing, pounding, or pulsating
Are worse on one side of the head
Last 6 to 48 hours
Symptoms accompanying migraines include:
Nausea and vomiting
Sensitivity to light or sound
Loss of appetite
Numbness, tingling, or weakness
Warning signs (auras) that can precede a migraine include seeing stars or zigzag lines, tunnel vision, or a temporary blind spot.
Symptoms that may linger even after the migraine has gone away include:
Feeling mentally dull, like your thinking is not clear or sharp
Increased need for sleep
Neck pain
Signs and tests

Migraine headache may be diagnosed by your doctor based on your symptoms, history of migraines in the family, and your response to treatment. Your doctor will take a detailed history to make sure that your headaches are not due to tension, sinus inflammation, or a more serious underlying brain disorder. During the physical exam, your doctor will probably not find anything wrong with you.
Sometimes an MRI or CT scan is obtained to rule out other causes of headache like sinus inflammation or a brain mass. In the case of a complicated migraine, an EEG may be needed to exclude seizures. Rarely, a lumbar puncture (spinal tap) might be performed.


.Homeopathy over the years has been able to greatly help patients suffering with migraine headaches…Once the patient starts on the homeopathic treatment the intensity of the migraine will reduce, the attacks will not happen so frequently as before and over a period of time they will be able to be completely free from attacks of migraine..Most commonly used remedies for migraine are …lachesis,sanguinaria,sepia,iris.vers,pulsatilla,natrum.mur…etc,

Other measures taken along with homeopathic line of treatment is as follows:

Rest in a quiet, darkened room
Drink fluids to avoid dehydration (especially if you have vomited)
Try placing a cool cloth on your head

Expectations (prognosis)
Every person responds differently to treatment. Some people have rare headaches that require little to no treatment. Others require the use of several medications or even occasional hospitalization.

Migraine headaches generally represent no significant threat to your overall health. However, they can be chronic, recurrent, frustrating, and they may interfere with your day-to-day life.
Stroke is an extremely rare complication from severe migraines. This risk may be due to prolonged narrowing of the blood vessels, limiting blood flow to parts of the brain for an extended period of time.

Avoid smoking
Avoid alcohol
Exercise regularly
Get enough sleep each night
Learn to relax and reduce stress -- try progressive muscle relaxation (contracting and releasing muscles throughout your body), meditation, biofeedback, or joining a support group

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Homeopathic treatment and cholesterol

1. High blood cholesterol count can be brought down to about normal level by preparing a mixture of phos6+cal6+thuj30 in equal proportion and dispensing in glob no.10, 2globs. a dose as follows ;first week. twice daily. Then once on alternate days for 3/4 weeks, till normalcy is attained. Fat and fired food should be avoided during treatment.

2. Potentised cholesterol or cistus canadensis will also bring down cholestrol in blood.

3. Black gram is an efficient reducing agent for cholesterol in blood. Intake of 10 grams of black gram soaked in an oz of water along with the water for a month will show perceptible difference.

Disclaimer: The article and tips are for guidance only. Use them at your own risk and discretion. We take no responsibility for any suggestion given above. We strongly urge you consult a qualified professional doctor to find a lasting cure for any problem. The views expressed are the personal views of the author. We take no responsibility for same. Please consult a professional, before using any information on this site. No liability of any kind is accepted by us.

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maharshi homoeopathic clinic

maharshi homoeopathic clinic

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Tuesday, July 1, 2008

What is Homeopathy ?

What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a medical science which uses natural substances, like plants and minerals, to mimic illness and stimulate healing. It was developed by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, after whom Hahnemann Hospital is named. It is based on two principles: 1. Like cures like. 2. The minimum dose. 1. The first principle is “like cures like”, or “Whatever symptoms a substance can produce, it can cure.” Because onions can produce the symptoms of watering eyes and burning nose, a remedy made from onion, can cure the watering eyes and burning nose of someone with allergies. Another example is poison ivy. It produces burning, itching skin and sometimes stiff, painful muscles and joints. A homeopathic remedy made from poison ivy is used for everything from burns and skin rashes to rheumatoid arthritis. 2. The second principle is the “mimimum dose”. It states “To cure without harm, use the least amount of medicine necessary.” That's important because side effects of regular drugs kill over 100,000 people a year, just in America. Homeopathic remedies are made by removing all toxic material and leaving just the “imprint” or energy pattern of the original substance. Remedies work by giving your body information about healing. It’s similar to the way a floppy disk gives information to your computer. Once your body knows what to do, it does all the healing by itself. Homeopathic remedies are free of side effects and safe even for small children.

Who uses homeopathy?

According to the World Health Organization, homeopathy is the second most widley used form of medicine in the world. It is used by over over 500 million people. In England, France and the Netherlands, homeopathy is covered by the National Health Service. In England 42% of the doctors refer their patents for homeopathic care. Homeopathy was made a medical specialty by an act of parliament and the Royal Family has been using homeopathy for the last three generations. There are seven homeopathic hospitals including the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital. In France, 39% of physicians prescribe homeopathic remedies and eight medical schools offer post graduate degrees in homeopathy. French pharmacists are required to learn about homeopathy and the remedies are sold in all twenty three thousand pharmacies. In the Netherlands 40% of the general practitioners give out homeopathic remedies. Homeopathy is also practiced in Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Russia, Poland, Mexico, Argentina, Australia, Scotland, Greece, Canada, Venezuala and India. The Royal London Homeopathic Hospital and the homeopathic hospitals in Glasgow and Moscow, have been in existence for a hundred years.

Why Use Homeopathy?

1. It’s safe. Homeopathic remedies have no chemical side effects and can be used by small children, pregnant women , people with kidney or liver problems and those with drug sensitivities. By contrast, conventional drugs kill over 100,000 Americans a year.

2. It’s effective. Homeopathic remedies are effective against bacteria and viruses. They also work against antibiotic resistant infections. They are useful for many chronic ailments, for which there is no conventional cure. The Spanish Flu of 1918 killed over twenty milllion people worldwide and five hundred thousand in the United States. In the United States, those who got homeopathic treatment had a 98% survival rate. During the epidemics of the 19th century, (eg.cholera, typhus, plague, smallpox) people treated with homeopathy had survival rates 50% greater than those treated with coventional medicine. Homeopathy is also amazingly effective in preventing disease. In the 1974 meninngitis epidemic in Brazil, 18,640 children were given a homeopathic remedy for prevention. The protection rate was 99%. In a smallpox epidemic in Iowa in 1902, the homeopathic preventive was 97% effective.

3. It’s economical. Homeopathic remedies cost about eight cents a dose. The conventional medicine for sepsis infections costs about $4000 a day. The equivalent homeopathic remedies cost about fifty cents a day.

How do you use homeopathic remedies?

Most remedies come as little pellets, either B.B. sized or like tiny grains of sand. Just tap three B.B. sized pellets or 6-8 grain sized ones into the cap and toss them directly onto your tongue. Let them dissolve on your tongue. As you start to feel better, take the remedy less often. When you are really feeling good, stop taking the remedy altogether. It keeps working by itself for some time. Don’t ever think you have to finish the bottle. With homeopathy, less is more. Try to avoid mint or lots of coffee when you are on a remedy, since those substances can sometimes antidote its effect.


Homeopathy is a medical science which uses natural substances, like plants and minerals, to mimic illness and stimulate healing. It was developed by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, after whom Hahnemann Hospital is named. It is based on two principles: 1. Like cures like. 2. The minimum dose. 1. The first principle is “like cures like”, or “Whatever symptoms a substance can produce, it can cure.” Because onions can produce the symptoms of watering eyes and burning nose, a remedy made from onion, can cure the watering eyes and burning nose of someone with allergies. Another example is poison ivy. It produces burning, itching skin and sometimes stiff, painful muscles and joints. A homeopathic remedy made from poison ivy is used for everything from burns and skin rashes to rheumatoid arthritis. 2. The second principle is the “mimimum dose”. It states “To cure without harm, use the least amount of medicine necessary.” That's important because side effects of regular drugs kill over 100,000 people a year, just in America. Homeopathic remedies are made by removing all toxic material and leaving just the “imprint” or energy pattern of the original substance. Remedies work by giving your body information about healing. It’s similar to the way a floppy disk gives information to your computer. Once your body knows what to do, it does all the healing by itself. Homeopathic remedies are free of side effects and safe even for small children

Who use homeopathy?

According to the World Health Organization, homeopathy is the second most widley used form of medicine in the world. It is used by over over 500 million people. In England, France and the Netherlands, homeopathy is covered by the National Health Service. In England 42% of the doctors refer their patents for homeopathic care. Homeopathy was made a medical specialty by an act of parliament and the Royal Family has been using homeopathy for the last three generations. There are seven homeopathic hospitals including the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital. In France, 39% of physicians prescribe homeopathic remedies and eight medical schools offer post graduate degrees in homeopathy. French pharmacists are required to learn about homeopathy and the remedies are sold in all twenty three thousand pharmacies. In the Netherlands 40% of the general practitioners give out homeopathic remedies. Homeopathy is also practiced in Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Russia, Poland, Mexico, Argentina, Australia, Scotland, Greece, Canada, Venezuala and India. The Royal London Homeopathic Hospital and the homeopathic hospitals in Glasgow and Moscow, have been in existence for a hundred years.

Why Use Homeopathy?

1. It’s safe. Homeopathic remedies have no chemical side effects and can be used by small children, pregnant women , people with kidney or liver problems and those with drug sensitivities. By contrast, conventional drugs kill over 100,000 Americans a year.

2. It’s effective. Homeopathic remedies are effective against bacteria and viruses. They also work against antibiotic resistant infections. They are useful for many chronic ailments, for which there is no conventional cure. The Spanish Flu of 1918 killed over twenty milllion people worldwide and five hundred thousand in the United States. In the United States, those who got homeopathic treatment had a 98% survival rate. During the epidemics of the 19th century, (eg.cholera, typhus, plague, smallpox) people treated with homeopathy had survival rates 50% greater than those treated with coventional medicine. Homeopathy is also amazingly effective in preventing disease. In the 1974 meninngitis epidemic in Brazil, 18,640 children were given a homeopathic remedy for prevention. The protection rate was 99%. In a smallpox epidemic in Iowa in 1902, the homeopathic preventive was 97% effective.

3. It’s economical. Homeopathic remedies cost about eight cents a dose. The conventional medicine for sepsis infections costs about $4000 a day. The equivalent homeopathic remedies cost about fifty cents day.

How do you use homeopathic remedies?

Most remedies come as little pellets, either B.B. sized or like tiny grains of sand. Just tap three B.B. sized pellets or 6-8 grain sized ones into the cap and toss them directly onto your tongue. Let them dissolve on your tongue. As you start to feel better, take the remedy less often. When you are really feeling good, stop taking the remedy altogether. It keeps working by itself for some time. Don’t ever think you have to finish the bottle. With homeopathy, less is more. Try to avoid mint or lots of coffee when you are on a remedy, since those substances can sometimes antidote its effect.


Homoeopathy-this truly tongue-twisting term, stemming from the greek, stands for a self-contained system of therpay which gently supports the natural, regenerative healing endeavours of the organism.

Its brillant founder, the german physician and natural scientific Samuel Hahnemann, reduced its mode of action as long as 200 years ago to a simple common denominator: "Similia Similibus curentur" or, in plain English, "Likes cures like". This is thelaw derived by Samuel Hahemann from his research discoveries. In modern terms, the whole thing may be described as a sort of stimulation therpay. Bacause of the similarity between each disease and the selected drug, a specific stimulus is induced when the latter is administered. Agents which produce a particula range of symptoms in the healthy aid the sick who exhibit a similar range of symptoms

Renal Disorders and Homeopathic Management

In renal disorders we will discuss about two recurrent problems relateted to the urinary system, namely UTI(Urinary Tract Infection) and Nephrolithiasis and its management with homeopathy
UTI can affect anyone irrespective of age, thaouh some may be more prone to infections. Abnormality of the urinary tract, enlarged prostate and catheterization increase the risk of infection. Similarly people with diabetes have a higher risk. Incidence of UTI is more prevalent in developing countries. Many times the infections in the urinary tract remain silent and only get noticed in a urine analysis report. The infection can either be acute or chronic and the management of the infection would be primarily directed at treating the cause of infection.

Recurrent use of antibiotics, analgesics and surgical intervention is only a temporary solution.
Homoeopathy can trat these infections aswell as tendency to recurrent stone formation. Homeopathic remedies have specific roles in ameliorating , controlling infection and expelling calculi. controlling the acute condition is important but needless to say tha individulization is the key to cure.

some of the medicines are given below which had given postive response in above said disease